Aug 31, 2016
Featuring special guest Sean Fissel! As the election draws nearer, this podcast can't help but get political. So this week, Connor and Dan are discussing the darling of the fiscally conservative and champion of the free market, Ayn Rand. Specifically her philosophy Objectivism and why we hate it. Speaking of objective,...
Aug 24, 2016
What is justice? What does a just society look like? Is it based completely around Dungeons & Dragons and beer? Probably not! This week, Connor and Dan are discussing Plato's Republic, AKA the philosopher's guide to fascism. There's guardians, there's working class stiffs, there's philosopher kings. This republic has it...
Aug 17, 2016
Why isn't philosophy more like science? What would we gain and what would we lose? Who let all these nerds into our cool club? This week we're discussing Logical Positivism, a popular movement in America in the 1950s which sought to cut the bullshit out of philosophy. Also, Dan drinks a homemade Manhattan, Connor screws...
Aug 10, 2016
(WARNING: Connor's audio is pretty terrible but Dan sounds like an angel. Apologies to fans of Connor or haters of Dan.) This week Connor and Dan asked themselves what makes a person. What makes us worthy of moral consideration? How has rights? Can you kiss corpses? Probably not. Actually, definitely not. But the...
Aug 4, 2016
Welcome to a very special double episode of Drunken Philosophy! This week Connor and Dan are taking a little break from their intense philosophical studies to discuss a terrible movie they both watched— the 1994 video game masterpiece Double Dragon. And boy is there a lot to talk about here. It's not what you...