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Drunken Philosophy

Jan 31, 2019

This week the boys talk about a topic that was suggested by a great and wonderful and nice listener, 'Topher: Modern Stoicism! The updated millennial version! We also derail into a very funny topic that is not philosophy. You know the show! (I also did not listen to it before editing and posting, I can only assume...

Jan 23, 2019

Hello Sliders! This week, Connor from a nearby bubble universe talks with a Dan that never quit his job at Bevmo! about parallel universes. They also get pretty stoked about the upcoming MIB international movie. Enjoy!

Jan 16, 2019

Since they're always talking about Netflix, streaming television, and the internet in general, Connor and Dan figured it was time they checked out Marshall McLuhan and his whole "Medium is the Message" thing. Turns out Dan is pretty interested in media studies (or so he claims) and they both have some thoughts on...

Jan 9, 2019

Trigger warning: Stuff gets aggressively horny in this episode! Based off a listener suggestion, Connor and Dan dive into the twisted world of French intellectual figure Georges Bataille who dabbled in everything from economics to mysticism to eroticism because that's just the kind of eclectic dude he was! We're...

Jan 2, 2019

It's the new year! Time to turn over a new leaf and then immediately think about how pointless it is to turn over a new leaf because we're all going to die someday. But, whether you're ushering in the end of humanity or not, this will be an informative (and depressing) look at the persistence of German...