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Drunken Philosophy

Sep 27, 2017

Get your tickets, ladies and gents! Because it's another rendition of Drunken Philosophy at the Movies. This week, Connor and Dan take one for the collective team and watch God's Not Dead 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the straight-to-video Christian-focused feature and insult to Nietszche's memory, God's Not Dead....

Sep 20, 2017

Are you afraid to go in the water? You might be after this episode! Connor and Dan discuss the 1975 film Jaws, specifically how it can be used to explore the theories of Slavoj Zizek and Jacques Lacan. Does the shark represent fascism or capitalism? Does art reflect ideology or is that just the viewer forcing the issue?...

Sep 13, 2017

After numerous technical difficulties, your brave hosts managed to put out another podcast this week about, what else, technology! Specifically virtual reality and how it can be used to answer complex questions about philosophy. Australian philosophy David Chalmers makes the argument that virtual reality is as valuable...

Sep 6, 2017

Does repeating a physical action help you be a better person? Ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius might say yes, but modern day American guy Connor Holmes would definitely say no. This week, your hosts discuss the use of ritual and ceremony in Chinese ethical philosophy. For more on this subject you can look up...