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Drunken Philosophy

Oct 30, 2019

Clanking chains! Creaking doors! Rattling bones! Those sounds can only mean one thing. It's time for the annual Halloween-adjacent philosophy discussion here on Drunken Philosophy. This year, Connor and Dan quit beating around the bush and just talk about their old pal Franky-stein. If you've never read the book, don't...

Oct 23, 2019

Philosophy isn't just something you do while reclined in your armchair, smoking a pipe, scribbling your notes. Philosophy can be something you put into action along with 50 of your weird friends on a farm in Indiana. This week, Connor and Dan examine the successes and failures of various American utopian...

Oct 16, 2019

At the behest of a longtime loyal listener, Connor and Dan venture up to Canada to discuss some modern philosophy coming from the indigenous people of the Nova Scotia area. Dan does his best to pronounce some words and probably fails while Connor sits pondering the fact that we're all doomed because of climate...

Oct 9, 2019

Inspired by a recent bout of apartment hunting, Connor and Dan sit down for a tour of philosophical conceptions of property and ownership. How do we define something as specific and at the same time abstract as "property"? Well, turns out it's hard. Also, maybe it's theft. Find out for yourselves!

Oct 2, 2019

You have to a be special kind of person to have your last name turned into an adjective centuries after your death. But, then, Machiavelli was a pretty special guy. This week, Connor and Dan determine whether there is any worth to this conniving little rat man's philosophy or whether he is just a product of...